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美国最大的医疗保险公司United Healthcare(联合健康保险)的公司CEO 布莱恩·汤姆森(Brian Thomson),星期三早上6:45在中曼哈顿离开酒店步行去投资者大会途中被人从身后连开数抢毙命。UHC的母公司United Health group是世界第八大公司。
布莱恩·汤普森(Brian Thompson)被蒙面枪手处决的视频片段显示,汤姆森于早上6点45分左右走出希尔顿酒店,枪手是一名蒙面身背黑衣背一个灰色背包的男子,枪手显然知道汤普森要从哪个门出来,提前在那里等候了五分钟左右,汤姆森出现后,枪手掏出一把装有消音器的手枪,在几英尺外从背部对其枪击,汤姆森中枪之后,往路边的墙角踉跄了几步,并在墙角倒下。枪手上前又补了几枪,确认其中弹以后离开。警方称,枪手向汤普森背部至少开了一枪,随后又向腿部至少开了一枪。录像中可以看到,嫌犯短暂接近汤普森后穿过马路。然后他骑上共享单车离开现场。警方在现场发现了三颗实弹和三颗弹壳。
6:56 a.m. Mr. Kenny said the suspected shooter then exited the park at 77th Street, still on his bicycle.
6:58 a.m. The police also have surveillance footage showing the suspect near 86th Street and Columbus Avenue.
About 7:00 a.m. The suspect was still on 86th Street, but no longer on the bicycle.
7:04 a.m. He got into a cab at 86th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, heading north.
7:30 a.m. He arrived at a bus station near 178th Street and Broadway that is used by interstate buses, where video surveillance showed him going in but not coming…